2011年9月6日 星期二



投資銀行及所謂的i-bankers是另一類沒有責任感及承擔的典範。雖然攪到雷曼破產,但其CEO仍可以大賺過億花紅,而破產前不久,雷曼仍獲“權威性”的評級機構給予最高的評級(當然那些快要爆煲的mortgage-backed securities亦得到評級機構的很高評價)。投資銀行的報告亦係得啖笑居多,很多時一邊叫人買,隨後就幫人配股。


2011年8月12日 星期五


Has to be Anatoly Karpov, the 12th world chess champion, who dominated the chess world over 10 years during the 70s and 80s. Karpov is regarded by many as the second greatest chess player ever. He is also a billionaire.

Karpov entered the prestigious chess school established by Botvinnik, the 6th world chess champion, in Russia, when he was 12. Interestingly, Botvinnik commented that "The boy does not have a clue about chess, and there's no future at all for him in this profession." Now, most chess players consider Karpov greater than Botvinnik.

Unlike Garry Kasparov, his nemesis and the 13th champion, Karpov's play does not devote to complicated combinations and conflicts on the board. Instead, Karpov's play is natural and positional, singing harmony. It is just like what the great Chinese literaturer 蘇軾 said "行於所當行, 止於不可不止".

The link below shows one of Karpov's good games, playing as black the opening Queen's Gambit Declined. After 14... Qe4! White is already doomed, with the black queen threatening both flanks and the centre. What makes the game more outstanding are the sacrifices of two pieces, the knight and then the rook, by Karpov, in the later moves. There are indeed many more games by Karpov that are even better than this.

(for the sake of convenience and speed, this article was written in English.)


2011年7月23日 星期六

火光 (重錄)





船伕扭頭朝身後的火光望了一眼,又不以為然地劃起槳來。 「遠著呢!」







2011年7月20日 星期三

Banana Bank (續)



2011年7月15日 星期五

Some principles

筆者無意中瀏覽了一個基金的網址,發現有19 principles,筆者甚感同意,尤其是# 6、10、11、14、16、19。巿場上的確是噪音太多,胡混太多。以下的principles,值得大家參考。

1. Be a Long Term Investor
Too much emphasis is placed on short-term fluctuations. It is easier to anticipate long-term trends.

2. Have a Flexible Approach
Change is the only certainty and as markets change, one should change as well.

3. Actively Look for Ideas
I find many of my best ideas; they don't find me.

4. Be Skeptical
Check facts directly. Strive to understand the bias and potential conflicts of interest among the sources that provide them.

5. I Eat my Own Cooking
My only stock market investment is the Resolute Performance Fund. This aligns my interests with the rest of the unitholders.

6. I Buy my Best Ideas
I prefer to buy only my best ideas.

7. Filter out the Noise
One of the greatest challenges is to filter out the noise and use only what is relevant.

8. Be Thrifty
Moderate costs facilitate moderate fees. Moderate fees facilitate performance.

9. Outperform by Being Different
To have a chance of outperforming the market, invest differently than the market.

10. Know Your Limits
It is just as important for me to know what I don't know as it is to know what I know.

11. Stay Humble
Stay humble or the market will make you humble.

12. Being Small is an Advantage
It is easier to outperform being small.

13. Apply Spiritual Principles
An important measure of one's success is how much he benefited his fellow man.

14. Investing is Not a Team Sport
The best decisions are rarely made by committee.

15. A Good Card Player Does Not Show His Hand
Confidentiality is essential for successful small cap investing.

16. Too Much Emphasis is Placed on Precision
I don't need exact numbers to make decisions.

17. You Don't Have to Win by being Original
You win by being right.

18. Be a Contrarian
Being a contrarian is harder in practice than in theory.

19. Strive for Effective Rationality
Do the homework; know the facts; and make decisions based on the facts.

Source: http://www.resolutefunds.com/philosophy.html

2011年7月12日 星期二




2011年7月6日 星期三


選擇題:以股本回報率* 計,以下那一間是最賺錢的企業?

a. 莎莎(178)
b. 卓悅(653)
c. 港交所(388)
d. 騰訊(700)







* 股本回報率(return on equity):純利除以股東資金,反映股東資金的投資回報率